Jaskier song, my remix

Image showcasing Toss a coin remix Cover showcasing Geralt Di Rivia

Hello my readers and listeners,

This is the first article since my blog got its new shape - I can't deny that I'm quite happy about the result - and I truly hope you like it as well!

This article is about the remix I made of Jaskier song...

You're probably thinking: 'Slow down KJ, you never made a remix of Jaskier Son' but you are wrong!

Like always, even the smallest problems prevent me from releasing new stuff, but since I decided this time I need to be consistent about uploading music and new content, here it is my remix :P

Yeah you are right, the vocals are DIY (which means they are extracted directly from the original song) and that's the main reason I was hesitant releasing it in first place... but I really enjoyed the TV show and I felt I needed to give it some kind of tribute, so a remix of the main song was the least thing that I could do!

Let me know if you enjoyed the song anyway, maybe as much as I enjoyed the TV show, and if I should care less about techninal points as long as the music is good :P (use the hashtag #keejoeanswers on twitter to do so!)

Don't forget to share the article with your friends and on your social media and follow me on Spotify and other social networks - I made it easy to find me using the toolbar on the right ;)

For now I think it's enough, thank you for reading me and see you soon!